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Viscosupplementation is a procedure by which a lubricating fluid is injected into a joint and is often used to treat symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Canada Diagnostic Centres offers the following types of viscosupplements:


Monovisc® is a single dose hyaluronic acid injection approved for treatment of osteoarthritis and requires only one appointment per joint. Monovisc® delivers the highest total dose of hyaluronic acid available and is not manufactured from animal parts, lowering the risk for allergic reactions.

More information can be found on


Orthovisc® is s a hyaluronic acid lubricating fluid option that is used for the symptomatic treatment of OA pain in joints and is offered as three weekly injections. Orthovisc® provides the highest hyaluronic acid concentration per syringe among multi-injection viscosupplements.

More information can be found on


DUROLANE is a single injection treatment to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in specific small and large joints. It is based upon a natural, safe and proven technology called NASHA®. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring molecule that provides the lubrication and cushioning in a normal joint.

More information can be found on


CingalTMis indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis of the knee in patients who have failed to respond to other treatments.

CingalTM is a single injection containing borth a steroid + hyaluronic acid. The steroid provides immediate relief by reducing inflammation while the hyaluronic acid provides long-lasting pain relief.

More information can be found on


SportVisTM is an injection treatment that is clinically demonstrated to relieve pain and restore function in damaged tendons and ligaments.  It contains STABHATM, which is the only hyaluronic acid approved by Health Canada to treat soft tissue injuries.

More information can be found on 

Viscosupplementation Pricing

Viscosupplementation is provided on a per fee basis and is not covered by Alberta Health Care.

* May be covered by your extend health benefits plan. See Here

Orthovisc 2cc* $135
Monovisc 4cc* $275
DUROLANE 1cc/3cc* $150/$275
Cingal 4cc* $350
SportVis 2.4cc* $295
Exam Duration: Up to 60 Minutes