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What is a Mammogram?

Physicians order mammograms for screening (prevention) and diagnosis. They are common procedures used in the early detection of breast cancer.

It is a low-dose x-ray, important to help identify growths that may be too small for you or your doctor to detect. All mammography images at Canada Diagnostic Centres are digital (DR), providing sharp, detailed images.

Screening Mammography

A screening mammogram is a regular check-up for breast health in the absence of adverse symptoms. It is an important detection tool as it monitors changes to your breasts over time, which can help find cancer in its earliest stage.

Diagnostic Mammography

A diagnostic mammogram evaluates breast tissue when abnormal symptoms are present. It is also used to evaluate hard-to-see tissue due to special circumstances (i.e. implants or recent breast surgery). Some obvious symptoms of breast abnormalities can include (but are not limited to): lumps, pain, nipple discharge, changes in breast shape or size, or thickening of skin or breast tissue.

Advanced Technology For Peace of Mind

Computer-Aided Detection (CAD)

CAD searches for abnormal areas of density, masses or calcifications that might indicate the presence of cancer. It is a ‘second set of eyes’ for our radiologists to improve diagnosis. CAD is used on all mammogram exams at CDC.


This is an advanced, state of the art technology offered with certain mammograms. This 3D imaging technology involves taking pictures of the breast at multiple angles to create a movie-like series of images. This allows the radiologist to see the breast tissue more clearly and accurately.

Exam Duration

30 Minutes – 60 Minutes

Recommended Schedule for Mammogram

40-49 Every Year
50-74 Low Risk – Every 2 Years
High Risk – Every Year
75+ Every 2 Years
Women Age 40+: If you have not had a screening mammogram recently, you should talk to your doctor about booking an appointment.